Protest Procedure

Protest Procedure

1. A protest may be filed for the following reasons:

a. Rule Interpretation

b. Player Ineligibility

c. Vilolations of SCYSA or EPYSA rules.


2. The referee and opposing manager must be notified in writing prior or during the game that a protest is being made. Such protest will be annotated on the line-up card and initialed by the referee and the protesting manager.

a. Exception - A player's ineligibility protest or disqualification may be made at any time prior to the end of the current season.

b. Should a player proven ineligible, the players team will be charged with a loss for all games in which the in question player participated. The manage of the ineligible player shall be brought before the grievance committee to determine how the violation occurred and the appropriate penalty to be assessed.


3. Any formal protest must be made in triplicate within 48 hours after the game. One copy shall be sent to the SCYSA President, one copy to the opposing team's manager and the third copy retained for the protestant's file. Such letter shall contain the $15.00 protest fee.